25 October 2015

How to get fair complexion naturally

There are many factors responsible for hyper pigmentation such as sun exposure, environmental factors and dietary factors. Due to this hyper pigmentation or increased melanin production, our skin gets darker. In order to get fair complexion, try to use natural skin whiteners products normally found in homes because there are no side effects related as with other skin whitening chemicals based products. Here are some tips on how to get fair complexion naturally:

Try to wash your skin 2 times a day, using a mild soap. Use the wash cloth to rub the soap in the skin and to rinse the soap off the skin. The main reason of using wash cloth is that it helps exfoliate the skin in order encourage the shedding of dead skin cells.

Make a fair complexion mask by mixing tomato and lime juice. Apply this mask to the skin every morning before you wash your skin. In order to make this mask, blend one tomato with juice of one lime in a blender. Apply a thin layer of the brightening mask to the skin and leave on for fifteen to twenty minutes and rinse the skin with cold water. Use the same trick for washing your skin i.e. mild soap and wash cloth. The mask made by   tomato and lime helps whiten the skin and give it a bright appearance.

Make another fair complexion mask by mixing 1 teaspoon of honey with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply this mask on your skin before going to bed at night but, not before sleeping. Apply the mask for at least 15 to 25 minutes   and rinse the mask off with warm water. Wash skin with a mild soap and a wash cloth. Honey is well known for its moisturizing properties and on the other hand lemon for its skin whitening properties therefore using both works great.

After washing your skin, try to apply an organic Aloe Vera gel to the skin two times a day (in the morning and at night), after washing. Aloe Vera gel helps moisturize and lighten the skin.

Skin exfoliation is of the most important steps of skin care regimen. Therefore, exfoliate your skin once a week by using sugar and olive oil. In order to prepare this exfoliation recipe, mix 1 tablespoon of olive oil with one tablespoon of white granulated table sugar to form a paste.  Apply this resultant paste on your skin and  use your fingers to gently rub the paste into the skin using a circular motion. Avoid using this paste around the eye areas. Exfoliation process helps remove old dead skin cells.

Source Page - http://www.articlesbase.com/skin-care-articles/how-to-get-fair-complexion-naturally-1873519.html

Home Remedies for Treatment for Pigmentation on Face

There's a pigment called melanin produced in the skin cells. This pigment determines the skin colour. Darker skin tones have more of this pigment while lighter tone faces have less of this pigment. Sometimes, the production of this pigment gets erratic and results in uneven skin tone on the face and other parts of the body. Pigmentation can also be caused during pregnancy, hormone imbalance, ultra violet radiation or due to contact with certain chemicals. In worst conditions, it causes splotches of colour on the face. Though this condition is not fatal, it can give a fatal blow to one's self confidence. There are plenty of home remedies that can be used as Treatment For Pigmentation of face.


Any household will surely have a supply of potatoes. When you're cutting potatoes for a meal save a slice or two for yourself. Take a thick slice of potato and rub it over the areas of the face where you have pigmentation problems. If you feel that the potato is a little dry, you can sprinkle a little water on it. You can also use mix potato and lemon juice (equal amounts) and apply it on the affected areas. You will see visible results after regular application for a month.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is commonly used in the Treatment For Pigmentation This fleshy leaf contains mucilaginous polysaccharides that helps lighten dark spots on your face. When you cut the leaf, you can see a thick gel or juice. Apply it on the affected areas on the face. Wash your face in warm water after 15 minutes. Regular application will surely bring about good results.

Almond and Honey

Almond and honey is another tried and tested home remedy for treatment for pigmentation on face. Make a rough paste of almonds and mix some honey with it. Apply this pack on the affected areas on the skin. The mild bleaching properties of almond reduce hyper pigmentation. It also acts as a scrubbing agent.

Orange Peel

Don't throw away the peel after you eat the orange. The peel is a rich source of Vitamin C, which acts as a natural bleach. Dry the peel in shade, powder it and then add to milk or honey and apply as a face mask. You will get good results soon.

These home remedies for Skin Pigmentation Treatment are effective in mild conditions. If you have severe skin pigmentation on face, take treatment in a reputed skin care clinic.

Source Page - http://www.articlesbase.com/health-articles/home-remedies-for-treatment-for-pigmentation-on-face-7326331.html